Recent Work

Engagement: Fixed Price Promotional Film

Location: Shepton Mallett

Timescale: 2 weeks

Effort: 6 professional days

Cost: £4,800 plus £166 mileage (4 x 83 miles at .50 per mile)

The Brief

SRM Carver & Son approached us in May 2020 asking us to put together a film for them to promote their growing topsoil business

COVID-19 has halted their stone-crushing operation and they were using the screening machinery to segregate earth until they had two grades of topsoil

The lockdown generated a demand for topsoil that surprised them and they were keen to capitalise on it, but selling to a domestic market was a new venture for them

After an initial phonecall, we visited their offices in Shepton Mallet to get a better feel for the operation, the character of the business and people involved

Very quickly we got to a collective agreement that the core message should be “Great gardens need great topsoil”

The Script

Two days later we submitted a script for review to Rosie Carver and to Adam Budd their Sales Director. They loved the framework and Adam made a few changes to the text to suit his personal style

The Shoot

Shooting was slightly delayed because of weather but we had a few hours forecast for sunshine on a Friday lunchtime so we agreed that we would all commit to that

We knew the weather would be variable and that we had to be efficient in our operations. Siubhan Reid planned the shotlist and sent Mark the associated camera and sound equipment list

On the day, Siubhan worked with Rosie Carver and directed Adam through his shots and script. As always, the script and shot list required some revision on site but the framework remained the same which meant that we could all work quickly with little hesitation

We took a few takes for every shot so that we had multiple camera angles and intonation in the bag

Working from outside to in, we made the best of the weather and by 4pm we had reviewed the rushes to make sure that we had what we needed

The Edit

By Wednesday the following week, Sam and Rosie Carver were watching the initial edit and their feedback was near immediate which meant that the revisions could be implemented immediately

The Release

The production cut was ready 2 days later by close of business Friday and released 10 days later on Social Media
